mercoledì 24 dicembre 2008

Terry McCafferty

Il 32 County Sovereignty Movement ha emesso un comunicato datato 22 dicembre richiedendo l’immediata scarcerazione di Terry McCafferty, arrestato a 4 mesi dal suo rilascio senza un’accusa precisa.
Il 32CSM lo ha qualificato come una molestia nei confronti di un repubblicano e della sua famiglia, ipotizzando anche un atto di ripicca contro la liberazione dei Four Derry, avvenuta nei giorni scorsi, dopo che il processo nei loro confronti è miseramente controllato alla Special Criminal Court di Dublino.

E’ in programma una manifestazione per il 24 dicembre alle ore 15 a Dunville Park, Falls Road, Belfast.

Ecco il testo del comunicato

32 County Sovereignty Movement

Free Terry McCafferty now
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement call for the immediate release of North Belfast Republican Terry McCafferty who was returned to Maghaberry gaol last night just four weeks after being released having served half of a 12 year sentence for his part in Republican activity in Belfast.
Terry McCafferty was returning from a holiday in Spain with his family when he was arrested and told he was being returned to Maghaberry having had his license revoked by British secretary of state Paul Goggins.
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement view this action as blatant harassment of a Republican and his family just before Christmas. We have little doubt that there is no reason to revoke Terry’s license and we believe it may be a spiteful reaction to the release of the Derry 4 last Friday. It is quite clear that MI5 did not get the result they wanted in the Special Criminal Court in Dublin and they have ordered that Terry be imprisoned due to the fact that he has been recently released and his first Christmas with his family for years is approaching, It was designed to cause maximum misery to Republicans
The 32 County Sovereignty Movement call on all Republicans to unite to ensure that this spiteful action be overturned immediately.

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