mercoledì 8 ottobre 2008

Aiden Hulme

Allarmante preoccupazione è stata espressa per la condizioni di salute del prigioniero repubblicano Aidan Hulme, detenuto nella prigione di Portlaoise. A seguito di una visita medica è stato osservato che le dita del piede della gamba malata di Aidan sono diventate nere e si teme si tratti di cancrena. Il medico ha trasmesso al governatore della prigione la richiesta che Aidan possa essere visitato da uno specialista in questo campo. Il governatore ha dichiarato che il caso di Aidan avrebbe avuto la massima priorità, tuttavia nessun provvedimento decisivo è stato preso.

Aidan sta assumendo attualmente ventuno pillole al giorno per il dolore e si è reso necessario l’utilizzo di morfina per alleviare il dolore. Il suo colorito è diventato giallognolo il chè è sintomo di un danno al fegato come conseguenza di un massiccio dosaggio dei farmaci. Attualmente è costretto a letto ventiquattro ore al giorno, 7 giorni alla settimana.
L'Irish Republican Prisoners Welfare Association richiede il supporto di tutti i republicani e dei gruppi socialisti per una decisa campagna al fine di assicurare le dovute cure a Aidan Hulme.
Sarà aperta una petizione indirizzata al ministro Dermot Ahern per un suo intervento immediato cosicchè Aidan Hulme possa ricevere appropriate cure mediche in un’appropriata struttura.


Per favore tutti mandare questa email a queste persone per Aiden che ha bisogno di aiuto ora!!!!!!

Department of Justice
Dermot Ahern
Minister for Justice, Equality and Law Reform
94 St. Stephen's Green
Dublin 2
Phone: + 353 1 602-8202

Irish Prison Service
IDA Business Park, Ballinalee Road, Longford, Co. Longford
Tel: +353 43 35100
Fax: +353 43 35101

Governor Mr.Ned Whelan

Portlaoise Prison
Dublin Road,
Portlaoise, Co. Laois.
Tel: 0502 21318
Fax: 0502 20997

To whom it may concern,

I am writing with grave concerns for the health and welfare of Aidan Hulme, a Republican political prisoner at Portlaoise Prison.

Since being repatriated to Portlaoise in 2006, Aidan has continued to suffer great pain from injuries sustained over six years ago before being interned in Britain. It was his great hope, as mine, that his repatriation to Ireland would finally result in the proper medical care he so badly needs.

Aidan Hulme desperately needs surgery, not more pills. Currently he is taking 21 tablets for pain per day and Morphine patches once every 2 days. He has made numerous complaints and requests for surgical attention to the Portlaoise prison governor and to the medical officer, but has only received more pain pills in response.

He is in severe pain. In bed and therefore closed in his cell 24 hours a day 7 days a week. His skin has turned yellow which may indicate liver damage as a result of so much medication.

You will recall, as I do, the 2001 death of another Republican prisoner, Kevin Murray, who had also made numerous complaints and requests for medical attention. Like Aidan, all that Kevin Murray received from Portlaoise doctors were tablets. When the massive brain tumor was finally discovered, it was far too late to operate, and Kevin was released to hospice to die.

Please allow Aidan Hulme the simple operation that he requires. Under international Human Rights laws including the Geneva Convention for the Treatment of Prisoners of War; the European Convention for the Prevention of Torture and Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment; and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights; Aidan Hulme is entitled to the same comforts of any Irish citizen while in your care and his treatment is a priority and should be treated as such.

Please advise. The favor of a response is requested.

Thank you,


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